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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the men in the world! Especially to my Dad who has been an exceptional Dad throughout this life of mine!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Sun

O.M.G! It is extremely hot in the streets of Ga.! I walked out side and felt as though the gates of heaven where opening or something Godly was happening l.o.l! It is so freaking hot!
I usually try going for a walk but I have not been going lately because I feel like once I stop I am going to need some one to come pick me up! It is just extremely too hot to do anything but sit in the house unless you really must exercise! Now if you must go I encourage you to go but drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest!
As for me I like to skip days but I feel like I have the perfect body!
I was watching the news today and they say the temperature is supposed to go down! I hope so but until then I am letting go of the sun because it is just too hot! I wanted to say something else but sun you are let go by me!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I absolutely hate being stood up by a man! I understand something coming up but I do not like it! I do not like it!

The reason I am letting go of men who stand women up is because I absolutely hate when it happens to me!

The feeling I get after being stood up is an angry one! Like my eyes get really big and I want to turn into a monster! It makes me want to show up where you are and stand in the corner and just look at you! I then get the feeling I want to call your phone a million times until you pick up and once you do I want to curse you out badly! I then want to tell you I never want to see you again and to never ever call me again! I am getting hype just writing about it and that is because I hate it! Even if you explain yourself!

I hate it because of the energy I use to get myself together to be around you quickly goes from positive to negative when the time goes from late to later and I absolutely hate negative energy!

You know what that is it! I have never acted a certain why about men standing me up but I now feel like it is time I speak up for myself! The next man to stand me up I am going to do it! I am going to do everything I said including turning into a monster! I do not care if he calls me crazy maybe he will not do it to the next women! And I am all for saving women! And money!

How does being stood up make you feel? I want to know because personally I hate it as you can read!

And to the men who stand women up you have just been let go by me! UGH!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone has an exciting day in honor of our troops and this Nation!
...Oh yeah and take a moment of silence please!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some of These Men

I am letting go of SOME OF THESE MEN! Especially the ones that do not know how to take a lady on a proper date! That includes opening doors and paying for everything! Even gas money if I have to come to you! I mean everything! OK maybe not the cocktail dress I choose to wear or my pumps or my clutch! I should just say everything that pertains to the date you want to take me on!

Anyways what I have come up with for the next man who decides to take me on a date to his house or apartment shack room whatever! I am going to set a fee! The fee will include monies owed to me for my troubles starting with the fact that you lied to get me out the house you then proceeded to cook me a home-maid meal which did not consist of steak or wine or a CHEF! Then the trouble of having to get to know you on a more personal level because we had to come to the house apartment shack room whatever and we are alone and not in public which means if something pops off I have to pull out my karate skills! And I am starting the fee at $200 US dollars! The fee can change at any time and is non-negotiable!

On that note a nice date for a man and I whom I just met is dinner cocktails dancing you or valet opening every door a safe trip home a nice warm hug and a phone call when you make it to a destination after my safe trip home! Oh yeah and YOU paying for everything!

I want to know what everyone else thinks what is a perfect first date for you?


I guess the first thing I will let go of is MYSELF! And that is only because it is the weekend of a holiday and I would usually be out partying or drinking or ... you get my drift! I would be having a blast! I am not though but I am also not that bored I am getting a kick out of writing! I have not answered my phone since two days ago..well unless you are important!

So I am letting go of myself because I feel like a party pooper! Maybe after the holidays when the crowd dies down which is almost never in Atl. but I will be out soon! I feel like I deserve a drunken night!

And to MYSELF! You have officially been let go by you! Loser!